Notes from the Netherlands

Notes from the Netherlands #3

Note from the Netherlands

Notes from the Netherlands is my feature where I discuss my time studying at Leiden University. I want to blog about this amazing experience as much as I can!

Since my last post – and I apologise for the lack of posts of any type over the past week – lectures have finally started!
  • Archaeological theory is a bitch. I mean, I always knew that, but I managed to avoid studying it in the third year of my undergraduate degree as I was doing joint honours, but I have to do it this time round. Just no.
  • Despite only having had two lectures of Museum History so far, I really like the module. The lecturer is passionate, enthusiastic and he always makes the topics interesting. Plus we get to go on mini excursions to the various museums throughout the city!
  • I already have to start thinking of a thesis topic, although nothing is due until November. As my first focus is Museum Studies, I need to include museums in there. I wanted to look at ancient Greek religion too, so I might go for something like how the religion is portrayed in museums – although that may be too broad.
  • Leiden

    Pretty sunset over Leiden.

  • Lots more fun nights out (Einstein is the best), days in being lazy, museum visits and a pre-drinking session that involved singing along to 90s, then 00s, hits. Oh, those were the years.
  • I ticked some more things off of my Netherlands Bucket List, including something you might find in a ‘koffieshop’ over here.
  • I went to the Hague one night with my group of friends, for ‘Museumnacht den Haag’, which basically meant that all the museums and art galleries in the city were open until 1.30am. We paid €8 for a ticket, which granted us entry to any of them for free, and can also be used to visit any one of the participating places within the next year. Considering the normal price of the museums, it was definitely worth it, and it was a really fun night – even if the roller disco was cancelled…
  • Den Haag

    Den Haag at night.

  • I now feel officially Dutch, as I finally got a bike today. Obviously that’s the only requirement. It’s also a sort of mint green colour so it stands out amongst all the others, which is good! It’s just rusty-looking enough to not get stolen. I hope.
  • AND OH MY GOSH I LOVE HAVING A SOCIAL LIFE. Considering that one of my worries was that I’d be really rubbish and not get to know people or go out, I think I’ve done pretty well! At home I was quite happy with my own company the majority of the time, but here I want to constantly be with other people. And that’s why I’m looking forward to watching movies with a friend tonight!
  • I’ve also now been here for just over a month. It’s both flown by and gone slowly. I really hope the year doesn’t disappear too quickly, I want to make the most of my time here, both with the city and the amazing friends I’ve made.
Museum Volkenkunde

I saw a wonderful photography exhibition here at the Museum Volkenkunde that just filled me with wanderlust.

Hopefully I’ll have some other posts up soon, but I hope you can understand why I’ve been slacking! I have done more reading lately though, which is good.

16 thoughts on “Notes from the Netherlands #3”

  1. It sounds like you’re enjoying your time here! I had to laugh about your comment of getting a bike, bikes are something typically ducth I think you see them everywhere. I always find it strange when I am in a different country and bikes are so much rarer there then here. And it’s a good idea to get a slightly rusty bike, let’s hope it doesn’t get stolen! My boyfriend’s his bike got stolen in Leyden once :(.

    1. Most definitely 🙂 And yes, they really are! I love how everyone has one here and uses it to get around – so much better for the environment and as a result the cities seem so much cleaner.

  2. YEAH SOCIAL LIFE! 😀 So proud of you! *confetti*

    It sounds like you are having an absolute blast, and I hope you keep having loads of fun. 😀

    As for thesis, I would always consult with my adviser about my thesis topic. I’d have many three options to get their opinion about, and go with the one that I know I’ll enjoy working on/the most relevant one. Good luck!

    1. YAY! *blows trumpets*

      I really am, Ana 🙂 So happy here! Come visit?

      Yeah, I think we submit a proposal in November so if it’s a problem I will know then I guess. I need to go and read all the guidelines and stuff and straighten things out really. Thanks 🙂

  3. It sounds like you’re having an awesome time and I’ve jealous! It’s okay if you don’t post things for awhile, since YOU’RE IN NETHERLANDS! ENJOY YOUR TIME 😀 Also I think it’s really cool that the museums were open until 1:30am. Was it creepy at night? Haha

    1. Hehe, yep! I don’t feel guilty because, well, I’m making the most of my time here and if that means blogging a bit less, then so be it. But you can bet this feature will be used a LOT.

      It wasn’t, because I was with friends – but it might’ve been if I was alone! There was also a torture museum open at that time… we saw a fake interrogation but nothing too bad.

  4. I’m so glad you’re enjoying your time here! The Museumnacht always sounds so cool, but I’ve never participated in it. Leiden/Den Haag/Amsterdam have sooo many lovely musea, too bad they’re quite expensive usually.

    1. Yes, there’s 14 museums here and as an archaeology student I get free or very reduced entrance to them all. I’m considering buying a museumkaart though, for Amsterdam and elsewhere 🙂

  5. Archaeological theory is one of those things that you just have to go with, if you know what I mean. There’ll always be at least one person in the class who’s super enthusiastic about it, that’ll drive you crazy, but so long as you can tell the main issues apart you probably won’t have to go into too much detail yourself. Well, in my experience anyway 😀

  6. This sounds like so much awesome, and even hearing that you’ve gone to the Hague sounds so fancy and European to me! >.< Europe always sound so lovely. Anyway, have fun, and I hope you get rest and pass archaeological theory! At least you have the perks of all those museums. 😀

    1. Haha, there are so many lovely places to visit within easy reach 🙂 I was in Belgium yesterday but more on that next time… 😀

      Thanks Shannelle!

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